This blog post takes a look at Six Android libraries which android developers should know about. libraries are an amazing way to speed up coding for Android and makes it really easy to create various effects.
The 6 libraries are listed below:
1. ActivityStarter:
Android Library that provide simpler way to start the Activities with multiple arguments.
The Activity Starter component lets you combine applications by having one application start up other applications.
Field and method binding for Android Activity arguments, which
• Eliminate all putExtra and getXXXExtra methods.
• Allows you to forget about all keys that were used to pass agruments.
• Support flags and Intent provide.
2. BlockCanaryEx
As an android developer our job is not only to make the application look nice or make it work as it is supposed to be but also to make it optimized.
Its a library for android which helps to find the heavymethods in code when your app blocked,based on blockCanary.
• BlockCanaryEx java runtime code are modified form BlockCanary, ui and features are mostly same;
• BlockCanaryEx add MethodSampler, knows every method's execute info (like cost-time, called-times...) when blocked;
• BlockCanaryEx focus on the method which cost most of time when your app blocked, and display it directly to developer;
3. SmileyRating
SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon.
• Drawn completely using android canvas
4. BubblePicker
An easy-to-use animation which can be used for content picking.
awesome bubbliness look.
5. StickySwitch
What will stick with you is the awesome animation this library provides for even the simplest of things — switches.
Its a beautiful switch widget with sticky animation.
6. CircleMenu:
CircleMenu is a simple, elegant menu with a circular layout. That is a menu with items on a rotating circle.This circular menu can be created on the screen just using few icons and we can enjoy the animation!