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Reducing APK Package Size

What is an APK file?

An APK is an Android application package file. Each Android application is compiled and packaged in a single file that includes all of the application’s code (.dex files), resources, assets, and manifest file. The APK file is basically a .zip file, so there’s no way of compressing its size any further.

It’s no secret to anyone, APKs out there are getting bigger and bigger. While simple/single-task apps were 2MB at the time of the first versions of Android, it is now very common to download 10 to 20MB apps. The explosion of APK file size is a direct consequence of both users expectations and developers experience acquisition. Several reasons explain this dramatic file size increase:

• The multiplication of dpi categories ([l|m|tv|h|x|xx|xxx]dpi)

• The evolution of the Android platform, development tools and the libraries ecosystem

• The ever-increasing users' expectations regarding high quality UIs

• etc.

Publishing light-weight applications on the Play Store is a good practice every developer should focus on when designing an application.


The APK file format

Prior to looking at some cool ways to reduce the size of our apps, it is mandatory to first understand the actual APK file format. Put simply, an APK is an archive file containing several files in a compressed fashion. As a developer, you can easily look at the content of an APK just by unzipping it with the unzip command. Here is what you usually get when executing unzip .apk1:

Reducing APK file size

Reducing the file size of an APK can be done with several techniques. Because each app is different, there is no absolute rule to put an APK on diet. Nevertheless, an APK consists of 3 significant components we can easily act on:

• Java source code

• resources/assets

• native code

The tips and tricks below all consist on minimizing the amount of space used per component reducing the overall APK size in the process.

Run Proguard

Proguard is an extremely powerful tool that obfuscates, optimizes and shrinks your code at compile time. One of its main feature for reducing APKs size is tree-shaking. Proguard basically goes through your all of your code paths to detect the snippets of code that are unused. All the unreached (i.e. unnecessary) code is then stripped out from the final APK, potentially radically reducing its size. Proguard also renames your fields, classes and interfaces making the code as light-weight as possible.

As you may have understood, Proguard is extremely helpful and efficient. But with great responsibilities comes great consequences. A lot of developers consider Proguard as an annoying development tool because, by default, it breaks apps heavily relying on reflection. It’s up to developers to configure Proguard to tell it which classes, fields, etc. can be processed or not.

Reuse whenever possible

Reusing stuff is probably one of the first important optimization you learn when starting developing on mobile. In a ListView or a RecyclerView, reusing helps you keep a smooth scrolling performance. But reusing can also help you reduce the final size of your APK. For instance, Android provides several utilities to re-color an asset either using the new android:tint and android:tintMode on Android L or the good old ColorFilter on all versions.
